Achieve your Industry 4.0 vision with our next-gen MES, streamlining processes and automating Shopfloor reporting for an interconnected future.

Top leadership can save time with Kypeco MES

Start Sustainable Manufacturing Practices

Take an early-mover advantage toward the Green Manufacturing Future.

Accelerate Digital Transformation

Improved data visibility, eliminating manual data entry and manual.

IMplement Industry 4.0 Standards

Improved data visibility with Machine Learning and AI, connected machines, and modern team collaboration are the few to start.

Embrace the pinnacle of smart manufacturing, where our cutting-edge MES solution turns top leadership's visions into tangible, data-driven reality.

Create the Roadmap to Smart Industry Readiness

Software Tools for Industrial Transformation (IX)

Navigate the digital transformation with confidence, guided by AI-driven insights and seamless interconnectivity. Experience the ultimate convergence of technology and human touch, addressing pain points for a truly modernized Shopfloor environment.

Top manufacturing leadership using digital tools in a meeting room

Lead your Enterprise towards Digitalization and become the Magnet for Fresh and Younger Talent

Get rid of the papers and whiteboards - let your team enjoy the modern digital experience they crave, and secure your place as an industry innovator.

Connect all your Manufacturing Units with One Platform and make your Business an Innovation Hub.

Integration of manufacturing environment with Kypeco Platform ecosystemIntegration of manufacturing environment with Kypeco Platform ecosystem

Bring the Agility to your manufacturing and make an early move towards - Sustainable Manufacturing.




Save Hours in
Daily Reports


Save Hours in
Weekly Reports


Save Hours in
Monthly Reports


Save Hours in
Quarterly Reports


Save Hours in
Yearly Reports

Embrace digital manufacturing and empower your organization.

Use Kypeco - it's where data meets action.

How does Smart Manufacturing Software help the top leadership?

It's the era of Industry 4.0 and you are the leader. Redefine it with digital manufacturing solutions.

As a forward-thinking leader, you know it's key to use techs like AI and Machine Learning to stay ahead in the game. Kypeco packs in many tools like Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Shopfloor Intelligence, Lean Manufacturing practice and predictive planning. With Kypeco, your manufacturing always has a modern software layer.

Top executives use Kypeco MES in meeting

Global Manufacturing Connectivity

Remotely Monitor Manufacturing Sites

Manage multiple manufacturing sites remotely by connecting them to a modern SaaS platform. Monitor and operate all your factories globally with one centralized MES.

Connected Manufacturing Processes

Access insights on all your production machines and lines across different locations by connecting them to a centralized SaaS platform. Remotely monitor and manage your factories, analyze production data, and make informed decisions.

Industrial IoT Connected Factory

Smart factory with interconnected machines (SCADA, PLC, IIoT sensors) connected to Azure/AWS via MQTT for real-time insights into the production process.

IT/OT Convergence with Smart Software

Bridge the gap between IT and OT by using an easy-to-integrate platform, eliminating the need for multiple legacy integrations.

Inter and Intra Factory Collaboration

Collaborate with data and bring all your teams on the same page to improve overall production processes across all manufacturing sites.

Manufacturing Excellence Solution

Annual Planning Executive Reports

Automate annual report generation for executives. Data-backed insights aid informed decision-making and budget planning, saving time and money.

Manufacturing Transformation Project Reports

Easily track process improvement with in-app IX projects and regular progress reports. AI and ML provide deeper insights for data-driven decisions.

Real-time Annual Production Board

Get real-time production target visibility with dashboards, enabling early actions to meet goals.

Automated Quarterly Production Reports

Receive quarterly reports automatically via email to support and drive internal Lean or Agile projects with data, making them successful.

Production Loss Analysis with Machine Learning

Reduce manufacturing losses by utilizing detailed analysis provided by ML and AI across all units. Take timely action based on insights to improve overall efficiency.

Initiate Process Digitalization

Machine Learning and AI-Driven Decisions

Adopt emerging Industry 4.0 tech and Big Data processing for manufacturing optimization. Reduce downtime, improve efficiency, and streamline operations.

Automate Production KPI Reports

Set clear manufacturing KPIs to establish performance expectations and monitor progress toward goals. Automate reports to quickly identify and address any key issues or areas of improvement.

Modern Smart Factory Standards

Implement the key practices of the smart factory with a modern digital manufacturing platform (MES) to make your manufacturing paperless, connected, and backed with insights by ML and AI.

Advanced Shopfloor Automation

Automate data acquisition and gain shopfloor insights with connected devices that bridge cyber-physical gaps, enhancing data-driven automation in your manufacturing process.

Manufacturing Digital Data Twin

Utilize data to create a digital twin of your production environment, enabling you to gain insights through What-If scenarios and take proactive actions based on data-driven insights.

Industry 4.0 Transformation Projects

Digital Manufacturing Practices

Replace paper, whiteboards, and Excel with a smart MES platform accessible via native mobile apps and the web, bringing Industry 4.0 to your manufacturing environment.

Continuous Improvement Projects

Real-time automated reports can drive continuous improvement and reduce the need for expensive consulting to gather insights.

Implement Lean Manufacturing Practices

Implement Lean Manufacturing by gaining key production insights for all SKUs and production lines. This includes identifying areas for improvement, reducing waste, and optimizing workflows.

Implement Agile Manufacturing Practices

Leverage local proximity for faster deliveries and reduce job backlogs and turnaround time while meeting customer demand with greater agility.

Production Process Optimization

Simplify your manufacturing process by replacing legacy systems with a centralized system that provides real-time information at all levels.

All benefits for the Top Leadership Team

A Smart Manufacturing Software for continuous improvement and circular economy.


Shift Report


Daily Report


Weekly Report


Monthly Report


Quarterly Report


Yearly Report

Global technology benchmark - An INTERESTING OBSERVATION

The 3B Maturity Benchmark is a way to evaluate the performance of factories and plants, comparing them to the best-in-class, the average, and those that are behind in the manufacturing industry. It serves as a standard for the global manufacturing community.

Most companies (90%) struggle with the Technology aspect (aka Building Block), as per the SIRI Framework and RAMI 4.0 standards. These companies perform better in Process and Organization, which are the other two main blocks of the framework. In the Technology section, these companies score an average of 1 Band or less as compared to the other 9 dimensions, indicating that Technology has much room for improvement.

Intelligent shopfloor for a smarter manufacturing future.

Insights that the Top Leadership needs.

As a leader, your focus is on driving your factory forward. Kypeco can help you do just that with powerful features designed to boost efficiency, improve the manufacturing process, and enhance your bottom line. Discover the power of modern manufacturing with a smart solution today!

Interconnected Production Sites

Remotely monitor manufacturing process across multiple locations from a single and centralized dashboard.

Annual Production Board

Less than 1 min to generate the reports for the entire year. Plan your production efficiency and make informed decisions.

Executive Reports

Identify areas where you can reduce costs, optimize resource utilization, and ultimately, increase profitability.

White-Labeled Platform

Customize your platform configuration by site and line, work-order SKUs and failure reasons to report and analyse.

Improve Smart Industry Readiness

If Technology is what you need to improve, Kypeco can help you achieve automation, connectivity and the intelligence you need.

Enterprise Standards

With the best-in-class platform, Kypeco keeps you up-to-date with the technology advancements in the manufacturing world.

Solution for

Optimized production, improved efficiency, and increased profitability – all with a nextGen MES.

Re-defining Manufacturing Workplaces for
Modern Workforce

Transform your workplace for a smarter, more efficient tomorrow.

What are the smart MES applications?

Smart apps and devices for modern manufacturing workplaces

Strategy without Smart Insights is not a Strategy.
Use Big Data Analytics for Smarter Future of your Enterprise.

The leaders in manufacturing industry need to have their finger on the pulse of every aspect of their business, and without a digital MES solution, this can be a significant challenge. They face challenges in balancing productivity, cost control, and workforce engagement while navigating the rapidly changing technological landscape.

Collaborate with Digital Dashboards

The inability to innovate and stay ahead of the competition can leave the leaders struggling to keep their business relevant in the marketplace.

Make strategic decisions

Respond quickly to changes in the market demands.

Innovate with Younger Workforce

Attract a younger workforce with a digital factory and retain customers by giving the trust of future-proof manufacturing.

Manage risk early with Predictive Analysis

Reduce financial losses and reputational damage, and meet customer expectations.

Kypeco on video wall in the production planning meeting

Don't Just Lead the Innovation in your Enterprise.
Redefine it with the Unified Digital Manufacturing Platform.

Get data and insights that are needed to make strategic decisions, manage risk to gain a competitive advantage, position the industry for growth, and become leaders in a competitive market.

Executive Reports - with no delay!

Analyze reports offered by Kypeco, providing deeper insights into operations and critical data points. Executive reports to plan things in advance.

Strategic decision-making

Make strategic decisions that drive growth, profitability, and innovation.

Risk Management

Manage risk related to production processes, and other key areas, reducing the likelihood of financial losses.

Competitive advantage

Stay ahead of the competition, innovate more effectively, and meet changing customer needs quickly.

Key manufacturing reports for the executives in manufacturing


Improvement Projects with AI.

Make your next project data-driven!


Implemented in the Modern Manufacturing Solution.

Lead Your Manufacturing Strategy with Digital Manufacturing Solution

Software Tools for the Manufacturing Leadership Team

Talk to us if you have any questions on how to implement the solution in your environment. There are no consulting or one-time setup cost or long-term contracts.

Contact us to learn how it can help you with the transformation in your manufacturing operations.

Get started with Digital Manufacturing Solution - Kypeco