Digital Transformation with

Smart MES for Semiconductor
Manufacturing Industry

A Unified Collaboration Hub.

A modern

Advancing Semiconductor Manufacturing with MES. Where Efficiency Meets Quality.

The Semiconductor industry often struggles with manual processes, paperwork, siloed data, low OEE, and a lack of modern software, which leads to technical debt and slows down progress. Without digital automation, the workforce can struggle to focus on manufacturing and achieving production goals.

Kypeco MES is a comprehensive software solution that addresses these challenges and optimizes Semiconductor manufacturing processes. With Kypeco MES, manufacturers can improve OEE, improve quality, reduce downtime, remove paperwork, and automate reports. It enables manufacturers to use advanced technologies like ML and AI to monitor and improve processes, digitalizes the manufacturing processes, and attract a younger workforce.
Kypeco MES is a key step in advancing Semiconductor manufacturing and enabling the industry to embrace digital transformation and Industry 4.0 concepts. With Kypeco MES, manufacturers can gain end-to-end visibility and control over their supply chain, optimize resources, and achieve greater agility. Ultimately, Kypeco MES is a vital tool in progressing toward Smart Industry Readiness and driving innovation in the Semiconductor industry.

Smart Factory Software: The missing link between Strategy and Execution.

Transform Your Operations with Smart App-Based Manufacturing Solutions

Embrace the power of digital technologies and move away from paper-based systems. Smart MES apps can help you upgrade workflows, automate processes, and improve efficiency, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Future-Proof Manufacturing Operations

The future of manufacturing is here, and it's all about innovation and efficiency. Stay ahead with new MES technology in Semiconductor manufacturing industry.

Adopt Cloud and Industrial Technology

Gain real-time insights into operations of semiconductor industry with modern MES cloud and Industrial Technologies.

Re-evaluate Production Processes

Our MES re-evaluating production processes can optimize workflows and enhance productivity.

Experiment Data-Driven Decisions

Experimenting with data-driven decision making can help in identifying trends and new growth with Modern MES.

Digitalize Your Operations With Smart Apps. - Kypeco MES

Turbocharge your Efficiency. Boost Performance, Availability, and Quality

Boosting overall efficiency with modern MES requires a holistic approach that considers performance, availability, and quality. By focusing on all three, you can unlock new levels of success in Semiconductor manufacturing industry.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Improve Overall Line Efficiency Monitoring

Effective line efficiency monitoring can help in identify bottlenecks, eliminate waste, and more with our modern MES.

Real-time Production Line Dashboard

Improve visibility into operations and enhance business performance with the MES production line dashboard.

Shopfloor Production Pacing Board

Ensure that production remains on schedule, and quality is consistently high with our MES Pacing Board.

Failure Reasons Dashboard

By analyzing failure reasons, manufacturers can improve quality and reduce downtime with our MES.

Boost Your Overall Efficiency - with Kypeco MES

Enhance Recruitment. Appeal to Young Talent with Paperless Solutions and NextGen Tech

The next generation of workers has grown up with technology and expects it in the workplace. By providing next-gen MES technology, Attract and retain top talent with our MES solutions in Semiconductor manufacturing industry.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Eliminate Paper Waste

Our paperless MES solutions can help update workflows, increase productivity, and reduce cost. Attract younger workforce.

Build for Younger Workforce

To build for the younger workforce, manufacturers need to embrace next-gen MES tech, such as automation, AI, and IoT.

Outlook for Manufacturing

Our MES outlook for manufacturing is evolving rapidly, and whoever adapt and innovate are best positioned for success in the years ahead.

Mobile Accessibility

With mobile accessibility, Gain real-time insights into production processes, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Attract Younger Workforce with NextGen Tech with Kypeco MES

Boost Efficiency with an Asset Management Assistant. With MTBF, MTTR, and MTTF

Your private assistant in asset management can help manufacturers identify underperforming assets, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency with our MES.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Performance Metrics for Assets

Gain real-time visibility into equipment performance, enabling them to take proactive measures to improve productivity with the MES.

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

Identify potential issues and take preventive measures before equipment failure occurs, leading to increased efficiency.

Mean Time to Repair (MTTR)

Identify and repair issues in a timely manner, reducing the risk of costly equipment downtime and repairs.

Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)

By monitoring MTTF, Identify potential issues before equipment failure occurs, leading to increased reliability and efficiency.

Streamline Work Order Management.

Boost Efficiency. Adopt ML and AI-driven Smart Scheduler for Work Order Management

The use of ML and AI in work order management enables to predict potential issues and take preventive measures before equipment failure occurs and schedule tasks with our MES.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Data-Powered Work Order Scheduling

Smart scheduling technology helps in staying ahead of competition by improving overall operational efficiency with the MES.

Flexible Visualization Options

Interactive visualization options helps explore data and uncover insights that might be hidden in static reports.

Effortless Scheduling

Assign tasks quickly and efficiently with automated scheduling, reducing burnout and improving job satisfaction.

Seamless ERP & E-Commerce Integration

Reduce order fulfilment times, increase order accuracy, and improve overall customer satisfaction with ERP & E-Commerce.

Streamline Work Order Management.

Digital Software Tools for Semiconductor Industry.

Automate Manufacturing Process in the Production.

Seamlessly Plan and Schedule Maintenance for Smooth Operations

Optimize preventive maintenance activities, enhance asset management, and achieve operational excellence with the help of our advanced MES maintenance planning and scheduling.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Interactive Maintenance Planning

Enhance maintenance workflows with visual planning tools that helps prioritize tasks, optimize resources, and minimize downtime.

Gantt & Calendar Views

Plan and schedule maintenance tasks effortlessly with Gantt and calendar style views in the modern MES.

Set Recurring Maintenance

Effortless maintenance planning by setting up recurring modern MES maintenance for better operations.

Breakdown Maintenance SOPs

Keep assets in top condition & minimize downtime with SOPs for breakdown maintenance with the MES.

Plan and Schedule For Seamless Operations.

Accelerate Decision-Making. Real-Time Reports, No More Delays or Downtime

Enhance decision-making capabilities with our modern digital platform for automated and real-time reporting, providing comprehensive insights into Semiconductor manufacturing operations.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager

Go Digital, Ditch Paper & Boards

Stay organized and on track with our digital platform, and reduce the need for manual tracking on whiteboards or paper.

For Manufacturing Operations Teams

Gain visibility into manufacturing operations and make informed decisions with complete transparency.

For Business Transformation Leaders

Enhance business transformation strategic planning and get actionable insights with our MES.

For Financial Executives

Track return on investment (ROI) and cost savings to justify investments and identify areas for improvement with our MES.

Automated and Real-Time Reports.

Empower Cross-Functional Teams. Centralized Data for Enhanced Collaboration

With the Modern digital MES, Create a shared vision and understanding of key metrics and goals, leading to more effective collaboration across teams with centralized data.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager

Eliminate Siloed Data. Foster Collaboration

Eliminate data silos and enhance cross-functional collaboration with centralized data, empowering teams with better insights in our MES platform.

Digital Collaboration

Share, store, and access project files and documents from a centralized platform, anytime with the digital MES collaboration.

A Solution with Inclusion

Empower all team members with equal access to critical information, improving operations and collaboration.

Continuous Feedback Loop

Foster a culture of continuous learning and growth with digital MES feedback that inform strategic decision-making.

Enhance Collaboration Across Teams.

Optimize Manufacturing Decisions & unlock Potential with Data-Driven Insights

Gain a competitive advantage in semiconductor manufacturing by tapping into the potential of manufacturing data, making informed decisions that boost efficiency and drive growth with the help of our MES.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Advanced Manufacturing Decisions

Optimize schedules, reduce downtime, and improve quality by harnessing data-driven insights for informed manufacturing decisions

Root Cause Identification

Identify and address the root causes of issues, improving product quality and reducing downtime with our modern MES.

Production Trend Analysis

Analyze production data with our MES to identify patterns and trends, driving continuous improvement and growth.

Optimize Costs & Minimize Loss

Maximize profits by optimizing costs and minimizing losses with data-driven insights and smarter processes.

Unlock the potential of your manufacturing data to make informed decisions

Unleash Potential with White-Label MES Platform with Custom Branding and Workflows

With our white-label MES platform, you can maintain brand consistency while customizing features and workflows to fit your  Semiconductor manufacturing industry.

manufacturing workforce operator
manufacturing workforce manager
manufacturing workforce leadership

Adapt to Your Unique Manufacturing Processes

Tailor our MES to your specific manufacturing needs with flexible customization options, allowing for seamless integration with your existing systems.

Benchmark Production KPIs & OEE

With our MES, track and measure production KPIs and OEE to identify areas of improvement and boost efficiency.

Branding & Language Localization

In our MES, personalize your user interface with your preferred language and branding.

Customize SKUs, Failures & Assets

Flexible SKU, failure, and asset customization for more accurate reporting and analysis in Semiconductor manufacturing industry.

A White-Label MES Platform At Your Disposal. Your Branding. Your Locale. Your Workflows.


Real-time Production Data Points.

Take the next step to digitalize your site!

Semiconductor Manufacturing Standards

Bespoke Solution for Modern Manufacturing

How does a modern Manufacturing Execution System solve the Top Challenges in Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry?

Business Challenges

How does Kypeco solve this and help in the Digital Transformation

Data Acquisition and Entry

Lack of real-time data visibility

Actual time alerting

Our real-time alerting system notifies users of critical data changes or anomalies in real-time, enabling swift actions, and helping with the lack of real-time data visibility.

Inconsistent and inaccurate data

Data governance framework

Our data governance framework ensures compliance with data standards, supporting accurate data management.

Siloed data

Integrated data infrastructure

Kypeco's API-driven architecture enables seamless data exchange between different systems, facilitating collaboration and helping in finding siloed data.

Lack of traceability

Metadata management

Enhancing data traceability through our metadata management capabilities enables the industry to capture and manage metadata.

Production Planning, Scheduling and Optimization

Inefficient production processes

Data benchmarking

Kypeco enables organizations to compare their production processes to industry best practices, promoting process optimization.

Inability to quickly respond to changes in demand

Real-time data access

Our data access and reporting capabilities enable organizations to make informed decisions and respond quickly to changes in demand.

Inability to optimize production

Easy access to real-time insights

Kypeco's quality management features ensure that production processes meet quality standards, supporting process optimization.

Difficulty in identifying bottlenecks

Continuous monitoring

Enable organizations to identify and address bottlenecks and inefficiencies in real-time, facilitating quick resolution with the help of continuous monitoring.

Shopfloor Monitoring, maintenance and Control

Inefficient maintenance management

Maintenance analytics

Kypeco's analytics capabilities enable organizations to analyze maintenance data and identify process improvement and efficiency opportunities.

Difficulty in identifying bottlenecks

Remote Monitoring and Management

Kypeco helps industries monitor and manage shop floor operations from anywhere, and identify bottlenecks in production.

Increased waste and scrap

Continuous improvement

Our continuous improvement framework promotes a culture of ongoing waste and scrap reduction and process optimization.

Inability to track production costs

Production Forecasting

Kypeco's capabilities enable organizations to forecast production costs accurately, enabling better decision-making and cost optimization.

Talent Attraction And retention

Loss of competitiveness

Digital Product innovation

This capability enables organizations to develop innovative products and services, enhancing competitiveness and customer value.

Difficulty in attracting a skilled workforce

Collaboration and communication tools

Enable organizations to facilitate collaboration among employees, improving employee engagement and attraction

Difficulty in retaining experienced workforce

Enhance work-life balance

Enable organizations to provide employees with flexible work arrangements and support work-life balance, enhancing employee engagement and retention.

Difficulty in identifying bottlenecks

Bottleneck Identification for Talent Attraction

Kypeco's capabilities enable organizations to identify bottlenecks in their processes, enhancing process efficiency and attracting top talent.

Process Improvements, Team Collaboration and strategic decision making

Lack of collaboration across departments

Knowledge sharing

Kypeco enables organizations to share knowledge across departments, enhancing collaboration and innovation.

High manual labor costs

Data analysis

Kypeco's analysis features enable organizations to analyze and optimize processes, reducing manual labor costs.

High production costs

Production forecasting for cost tracking

Enable organizations to forecast production volumes accurately, track production costs, and make informed decisions for cost optimization.

Slow decision making

Collaborative decision-making

Kypeco's features enable organizations to involve multiple stakeholders in decision-making, enhancing decision-making speed and alignment.

Digital Manufacturing Solutions for Your Modern Manufacturing Needs

Modern MES for Semiconductor Manufacturing

Our tailored solutions for the semiconductors industry digitalize your processes and increase efficiency, providing you with a competitive edge.

Contact us to learn how we can benefit your semiconductors manufacturing operations.

Get started with Digital Manufacturing Solution - Kypeco