A manufacturing Software (MES) that generates beautiful interactive reports

Digital Manufacturing Reports
with Machine Learning And AI

Our intelligent reports provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions that drive your manufacturing forward.

Generate Reports with 500+ Insights of your Manufacturing

Don't waste time in generating reports manually and chase the siloed data. Let a modern manufacturing software do it for you.

Beautiful manufacturing reports after priting

Automated Data Acquisition for Scheduled Reports

No more manual data collection on papers and collating Excel sheets, and break the siloed data for reports.

Customize the INsights
in Periodic Reports

Select what you want to see and in a few clicks get detailed insights in your manufacturing reports.

Put Reports Generation
on autopilot

Sit back and relax while Kypeco generates reports for you, saving time and increasing productivity.

Data-driven decisions
with NO consulting cost

Get real-time insights on your manufacturing process, enabling faster decision-making.

Stop Repetitive work of collecting/aggregating data and generating reports

Let a Modern MES Generate the Reports You Need

Visualize Data

Visualize Reports Digitally

Visualize data with customized reports to tell a story of your manufacturing.

Improve Processes

Centralized Reports

Insights from all production departments without duplicating the efforts.

Optimize Efficiency

Big Data Analytics

Let the data grow with a Cloud Native MES Platform and use Machine Learning.

Automate the shift reports, Weekly planning Reports or those Monthly Production Summary

Customizable Digital Reports for Manufacturing

Kypeco MES customize reports for PDF export

Higher Shopfloor Efficiency

Real-time data in digital reports enables quick decision-making, reducing downtime and increasing production rates.

Improve Quality Control

Closely monitor production processes, identify defects, and take corrective measures, reducing the risk of recalls.

Increase Data Transparency

Greater transparency into production processes, to make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.

Effective Cost Savings

Reduce manual data collection, optimize processes, and reduce waste, resulting in lower labor and production costs.

Access on the
Web Application

Use the comprehensive Web app for in-depth review of the reports.

Available on the
Smart Devices

Use your Android and iOS phones and tablets to access the reports.

Access on the
Email and Teams

Get PDF over email or insights on Microsoft Teams.

On other Data Visualization Tools

Plug into external tools such as PowerBI, Tableau etc.

Get every smart insight you need, to know anything you want about your manufacturing

Automated Reports to Elevate Your Manufacturing from -
Siloed Data to Strategic Decisions.

Manufacturing Summary Graph in modern MES solution

Summary Report

Simplify production process with customizable production summary reports that provides a clear overview of the operations.

Four graphs for PAQO monitoring on shopfloor

Efficiency (OEE) Reports

Identify patterns and make informed decisions with trend analysis reports to get valuable insights into your operations.

Production loss due to failure graph in Industry 4.0 solution

line Failure
Analysis Report

Take proactive measures to prevent failures with intelligent reports that provide insights into the root causes of failures.

Asset utilization summary graph in smart solution

Utilization Report

Optimize assets & improve overall efficiency with assets utilization reports to track the performance of assets.


Get the Shopfloor report you want, digitally.

We all see the same data differently. That’s why we provide visualization for everyone!

Focus on improving Manufacturing Processes? Use a Modern Software to do Data Analysis for you.

Stop duplicating efforts with Siloed Data—auto-generate reports with Insights from all areas of Shopfloor and Discover Failure Trends.

Analyze reports with insights into operations and critical data points. It handles report generation for you so you can focus on what really matters - boosting your production!

Customizable Production Insights

Give a personal touch with your brand, and share with colleagues and management, leading to informed business decisions.

Integrate on-prem System to fetch data

Instantly access reports with a single click - no more calculations and doc formatting.

Include data from Shopfloor Operations

Now you can forget to send the monthly reports on time. Let Kypeco do it for you!

Unlimited Insights and Reports

1, 5, 10? No! We provide more than 50 types of reports! Try which better suits your needs.

Circulating paper-based reports can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Why not try digital reports instead? With Kypeco, easily share information with your team members in a matter of seconds, saving you time and effort.

Automated reports exported for team collaboration

Turn your manufacturing into a Digtial Environment.
Less clutter, more efficiency, and an eco-friendly future.

Lead to an eco-friendly workplace

No more papers! Export periodic reports to PDF, or send via an email with a single click. It's your choice! Or, you can simply put this on automation. Kypeco will do this for you.

Go Paperless in your Operations

Say goodbye to paper waste and simplify your operations with digital reports based on data.

Enhanced Teamwork on Shopfloor

Boost your team's communication and collaboration through transparency in your processes.

Timely Reports for engagement

Ensure timely delivery of your reports by scheduling them in advance, and enjoy the convenience of receiving them on time.

Digital reports dashboard in reports

Select from more than 50 Insightful Reports and save countless hours each month

Automated Digital Reports using Modern Manufacturing Software

Save time on report generation and focus on manufacturing with Digital Reports. Get periodic reports without manual effort.

Get Real-Time Insights with Digital Reports - Boost Efficiency Now!

Centralized Reports

Maximize your manufacturing time by eliminating the need for manual report generation. Focus on production and let automated reporting handle the rest. Be free to solve the root cause!

Smart tablet app showing MTBF, MTBR and MTTR

Digital and Automated

Automate the report generation process by scheduling them using Advanced Reporting.

Best KPIs

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual calculation and report generation.

Modern apps to allow planning while traveling

Detailed Insights

Gain valuable insights with periodic reports generated by Digital Reports.

Machine Learning Analysis

Manufacturing trend report with modern solution

Streamline your manufacturing process with Auto-generated Reports.

It's a Digital Manufacturing Solution with Automated Reports

Get Intelligent and Stunning Production Reports

Our automated intelligent reports utilize machine learning and AI to generate real-time insights, optimize your operations, and reduce errors. Get stunning visualizations, gain valuable insights, and optimize your workflows for smarter manufacturing.

Contact us to learn how it can benefit your manufacturing operations.

Get started with Digital Manufacturing Solution - Kypeco